Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fully awesome

There are so many things I want to write and share about our wedding day, but I truly don't know where to start. I feel like the amazing moments of the day, and the strong emotions around them, are these glowing fireflies of love that I am trying to hold onto while still feeling them float around and through me.

Last night we had dinner with my family before various sibs left to go home in various states. I walked into the kitchen and my sister in law asked, "Where's your husband?" She did this on purpose, because she knew it would induce a huge grin and a rush of warm fuzzy feelings, which it totally did.


I have a husband.

And I am his wife.

On the one hand, it seems kind of funny that these titles should have such power. On the other hand, if they weren't so significant, we wouldn't need the pomp and circumstance of weddings in the first place.

I am sure I will write more soon about the fully awesome day we had. But for now, I am going to continue to bask in the glow.

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