Monday, March 30, 2020

Corona Quarantine: Day 18- Waves of fear; puddles of joy

One of the parts of this whole experience that messes with me the most is at the core of it is the greatest of mind fucks.
We are all experiencing this trauma/grief cycle/process but to help stay safe- we can't physically be with each other. 

We are companions in isolation.

Our human love and connections are restricted to screens and distances.

At my lower moments over the last almost three weeks, the waves of panic and fear feel like they will take me up whole. What will this do our relationships? Our kids' relationships? Future physical contact?

At the better moments, I'll jump into a puddle of joy with a moment on the phone with a friend, or after a magical time with my family at home. The kids are having amazing adventures in imaginative play. We are having so much family time (which is great and also exhausting).

The joy and hope feel very small these days and the uncertainty and worry feel so big. But they are still there, though small feeling...:)

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