Sunday, March 15, 2020

Corona Quarantine: Day 3- Care.

Today felt, for the most part, like a typical Sunday.
It is our regular grocery shopping day.
James went to our local Trader Joe's and checked in with the staff there.
They were doing OK- it's been hard for them- trying to keep things in stock, keeping up with lines of worried humans outside the door.
J thanked them for being there. We're not sure how else to show our appreciation. Baking them goodies seems like a weird thing right now to offer. Also, no hugs or high fives.

I'll be at work tomorrow. Ready to feel more helpful. I can't turn off being a provider knowing there is so much in flux with the students right now. Doing what I can remotely.

This afternoon, I read about the high number of deaths in Italy over the course of one day.
I need to find a way to stay informed and not over do it/get overwhelmed. I can feel how it directly impacts my anxiety.

Then, about an hour later, the kids were playing outside and Caleb fell off a swing onto his face.
There were about 4 minutes of stomach dropping worry as I cleaned him off to assess the severity of his injuries.
They were gloriously minor. Mainly dirt in his nose and mouth.
As I sat with him, watching him gargle and spit water out to get all the dirt out of his mouth, I realized how important it is right now to not go to hospitals unless absolutely necessary.

Our world is evolving very quickly, with great uncertainty, as we live in it. It's hard to feel steady.

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