Monday, April 20, 2020

Corona Quarantine: Day 39- Patriots.

Today, in MA, is a holiday called Patriot's Day.
It commemorates key battles at the beginning of the American Revolutionary War.
Typically, the Boston Marathon happens on this holiday, aka Marathon Monday.
That is not happening today, for obvious reasons.

Per, a patriot is "a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors".

A lot of people are describing medical providers on the front lines of this pandemic right as heroes. This view, while admirable, is problematic. They are doing their work in contexts equivocal to war times and needing to beg our government for protective gear. To. Help. Keep. Us. Safe.
They are pleading with us to wash our hands correctly, wear masks, stay home and stay healthy.
Are they patriotic? 
They are medical providers. Most of us are in this field to help people stay well, vigorously at times. So, perhaps they are, but it is also possible that they don't tie the care they give to this country, being more aware at this point of being part of more global community.

There are groups of angry (white) people in states throughout in various parts of the country, protesting their right to go back to work, claiming either that the pandemic isn't real or even if it might be real, they have the right to go to work. They are protesting in groups, without masks, yelling. 
Their privilege and fear are palpable.
Are they patriotic?
I bet they think they are very patriotic. They certainly feel threatened, of that there is no doubt. They feel their way of life is under siege. They feel they need to defend their rights. Their narrow and short view of the world and what they feel they need speaks volumes to what they have been conditioned to believe. 

There are pictures circulating from Denver of nurses standing in the middle of streets in fronts of cars with angry unmasked protesters screaming at them.
Are those nurses patriotic?
I think they are pissed. And tired. And scared. And trying to do their incredibly hard jobs. 
All while being met with fear and ignorance.

I can't call the front line medical providers patriotic, because I think it is not a fair label. I can't call them heroes because that implies a pedestal that they have made clear they do not want to be on and it highlights the ongoing horrific imbalance between the expectations placed on the healthcare system and the lack of resources and support.

Patriotism is a limited and antiquated term that cannot encompass the nuances of where our true battles are right now and what we truly need to protect.

There are no patriots right now.
There are survivors.
There are helpers.
There are front line workers in multiple fields.
There are children whose live have imploded.
There are scared loud ignorant people.
There are humans who are feeling the best and worst of humanity right now.

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